File Tab
Create a new blank simulation or open a saved simulation file or pre-built examples. You can import from a Visio, XML, XPDL, or BPMN file to get started quickly.
Access to lots or support Resources to help you get started with Simul8 such as Quick Start Videos, Help Files and links to the Weekly Drop-in Sessions and LinkedIN user group.
Simul8 Share allows our users to share their simulations with colleagues, even those without a Simul8 license, to generate discussion and drive decision making.
Save your current simulation. Choose from .S8 - the default Simul8 file format - or choose another format such as XML, Visio XML or PDF formats. Note that we always recommend resetting your simulation before saving.
Save As
Save your simulation with a different name or different format. Note that we always recommend resetting your simulation before saving.
Print lets you print the simulation window. The image can be previewed and the orientation of the page altered by using the Print Preview and Print Setup options.
File Info
Password protect you simulation, view properties and create external documentation files to record the current state of your simulation or add to your simulation report.
Product information and links to desktop updates and What's New in Simul8
Configuration options for how your simulation and Simul8 should behave.