Add Yearly Recurring Event To Schedule

Add Daily Recurring Event to Schedule


  • Schedule name - Name of the schedule that the recurring event will be added
  • Start Time - The starting time of the recurring event
  • Duration - The duration of the recurring event in Simulation time units
  • Start Date Is Simulation Start Date - Does the recurring event start from the beginning of the simulation? Enter 1 for yes, 0 for no.
  • Start Date - Range of recurrence starting date. If 'Start Date Is Simulation Start Date' is true (1) then the value entered, then the value here will be ignored.
  • End Type - Range of recurrence ending date type. 1 is 'No end date', 2 is 'End after a given number of occurrences', 3 is 'End by a specified date'.
  • Occurrences - Range of recurrence, number of occurrences before the recurring event ends.
  • End By Date - Range of recurrence, specify an end by date for the recurring event. If end type is not 3 then the value entered here will be ignored.
  • Given Month Day of Every Year - If the recurrence pattern is for a given month day of every year (i.e. May 1), then enter 1 otherwise 0
  • Day of Month - The day of the month the event falls on. This value will be ignored if 'Given Month Day of Every Year' parameter is 0
  • Every Month - The month the event occurs within
  • Weekly Pattern - Which week the event occurs on, (1 for first week of the month, 2 = second, 3 third, 4 forth, 5 = the last week of the month).
  • Daily Pattern - This parameter specifies the day within the week the event occurs on (1=Monday - 7=Sunday).


This command is only available with Simul8 Professional.

See Also