Get States in Percentages

Returns percentage of time an object spends in each state.


  • Simulation Object: a Work Center, Storage or Resource
  • Start Time: start time of period to obtain result. Measured in elapsed simulation time since the start of the run
  • End Time: end time of period to obtain result. Measured in elapsed simulation time since the start of the run
  • Returned Percentage Free: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
  • Returned Percentage Working: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
  • Returned Percentage Blocked: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
  • Returned Percentage Setup: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
  • Returned Percentage Broken: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
  • Returned Percentage Suspended: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result


Call at any time (but most likely used for reporting on End Run)

Work Center:

  • Percentage Free: percentage of time when the Work Center is idle
  • Percentage Working: percentage of time when the Work Center is working
  • Percentage Blocked: percentage of time when the Work Center is blocked
  • Percentage Set-Up: percentage of time when the Work Center is in Change Over
  • Percentage Broken: percentage of time when the Work Center is stopped due to a breakdown
  • Percentage Suspended: percentage of time when the Work Center is off-shift


  • Percentage Free: percentage of time when the storage is empty
  • Percentage Working: percentage of time when the storage is in use. Only reported if the storage has a capacity
  • Percentage Blocked: percentage of time when the storage is at capacity. Only reported if the storage has a capacity


  • Percentage Free: percentage of time when the resource group is unused
  • Percentage Working: percentage of working of the available resources
  • Percentage Blocked: percentage of time when all of the resource group is in use

Note that, given the nature of these results, some will not add to 100% because, for example, Resource time blocked (all in use) will be included also in Resource time working.


While this Visual Logic command offers more flexibility and control to which results are collected for specific time periods, a common use is whenever you have several Start Points for which the first work arrives at different times. In that case, you might not want to include the initial Waiting Time in the overall results and you can exclude with this Visual Logic command.

You can find a simulation example on the use of Get States in Percentages here: Get_States_in_Percentages.s8