Get Levels in Percentages
Returns percentage of time an object is empty and full for a defined period.
Simulation Object: a Tank, Resource or Storage
Start Time: start time of period to obtain result. Measured in elapsed simulation time since the start of the run
End Time: end time of period to obtain result. Measured in elapsed simulation time since the start of the run
Returned Percentage Empty: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
Returned Percentage Full: Global Data Item that receives the percentage result
Call at any time (but most likely used for reporting on End Run).
Storage, Tank Percentage Empty:
- Percentage of time when object is empty
- Percentage Full: percentage of time when the object is at capacity (if it is not of infinite capacity)
- Percentage Empty: percentage of time when all the Resource group are in use
- Percentage Full: percentage of time when all the Resource group are not in use