Sheet to File Append

Saves a spreadsheet to a file that may exist, in which case the data from this save is appended to the file.


  • File Name - Full path (folder and the file name) or just the file name. Example: “C:\My Documents\Files\MyFile.txt” or “MyFile.txt”
  • Global Data Item Sheet - Internal spreadsheet that you wish to save to the file


On Button Click Logic
Sheet to File Append “C:\Program Files\Simul8\Results\Results.txt”, ss_S8Results
Sheet to File Append “Results.txt”, ss_S8Results2


Note that the name of the file must be in double quotations.

If you are using this command without reference to the full file path to the file you want to add data to, then the file itself must reside in the same directory as the simulation model.

This command is only available with Simul8 Professional.