Sub Process Timing
Sub Process Timing lets you control an Activity’s operation time using a Sub Process, allowing the use of complex routing, Resources and timing to contribute towards the Activity operation time.
To set this up, select the Activity and chose Timing from the ribbon.
In the dialog shown below, select ‘From Sub Process starting’ and chose the Start Point of your chosen sub process from the dropdown list. The sub process must have an End Point for Simul8 to calculate the timing. The operation time for the Activity will now be based on how long the Work Items take to progress to the end of the sub process.
An example of Sub Process Timing
The simulation below demonstrates a surgical process in a hospital. Patients are admitted and they require a bed before they can have surgery. Once they have a bed, the time they spend in the bed is dependent on when they get their vitals checked, the length of their consultation, the length of their surgery and the length of their recovery time.
In order to simulate this, a sub process has been created which demonstrates the process once a patient has a bed. This process is shown in the sub window - Length of Stay Timing Sub Process.
The Activity ‘Length of Stay’ has the timing orientation set to ‘From Sub Process’, using the instructions previously highlighted. The time a patient spends in a bed will now be based on the length of time it takes the Work Item to progress from the Start Point to the End Point of the 'Length of Stay Timing Sub Process'.
NOTE: The time will include all wait and travel times defined in the sub process.
If you do not want any other Work Items to enter your sub process, you can select the Start Point and then tick ‘None’ under the Additional tab.