SIMUL8 for Manufacturing

Webinar: Balancing Mixed-Model Assembly Lines with Simulation

Automotive simulation expert Brian Harrington explains how simulation tools like SIMUL8 are essential for planning and supporting flexible automotive manufacturing and mixed model assembly.

Why simulation for mixed model assembly?

Mixed model assembly lines are increasingly used by manufacturers to meet the diversified needs of their customers and reduce the costs associated with large product inventories.

This is particularly true of automotive manufacturers where, through advances in manufacturing technology, assembly plants are more capable of producing a family of vehicles.

However, when manufacturing multiple vehicles or products within one facility, there can be many conflicting objectives. We are trying to cut costs. We are reducing time. We are ultimately trying to improve the quality.

These sound great to management, but how is it possible to achieve them all successfully?

In this webinar, simulation expert Brian Harrington explores why automotive manufacturers rely on simulation tools to help test mixed model assembly lines and get the answers needed to reduce inventory levels, shorten lead times and improve resource utilization and productivity.

Watch the 'Balancing Mixed-Model Assembly Lines' webinar to learn more about:

  • Mixed model assembly growth factors
  • Early planning and decisions
  • Applying simulation analysis
  • Designing in a manufacturing context
  • Starting with tasks & takt times
  • Flexibility in machines
  • Flexibility in routing
  • Scheduling schemes
  • Using simulation to overcome conflicting objectives
  • How simulation reduces costs & risks

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Why is SIMUL8 used in the automotive industry?

Manufacturers and suppliers rely on SIMUL8's discrete event simulation software to maximize productivity, reduce costs and respond more effectively to customer demand.

Design efficient assembly processes

Design efficient assembly processes

Simulation enables design teams to test concepts to maximize throughput, discover bottlenecks and minimize the effects of downtime.

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Make effective operational decisions

Make effective operational decisions

Simulation is used to examine and optimize operational factors, including mixed model assembly, staffing requirements and resource utilization.

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Continuously optimize performance

Continuously optimize performance

Simulation is utilized to optimize key performance metrics including Jobs Per Hour, Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Return on Investment.

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Contact SIMUL8's automotive team

At SIMUL8 we have worked with successful automotive clients for over 20 years.

Find out more about our work in automotive or contact our dedicated team to talk through your project and schedule a demo of SIMUL8’s features.

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We had our first results within a week.

SIMUL8 makes this process so engaging.

Sarunyou Naksrisuk, Ford